10 Reasons Why You Need A Root Canal Treatment

The root canal procedure has a harsh connotation linked to it; a stigma attached to it. Whenever we hear about it, our knees tend to shake. We often think of the procedure as a painful experience. On the contrary, it helps prevent huger dental issues. The root canal treatment aims at saving a severely decayed or infected tooth. Usually, the pulp and nerves in the affected tooth are removed. The hollow part of the tooth is then cleaned and sealed to prevent further infections. So why do you need a root canal procedure? Here are ten reasons.

You have deep tooth decay

Tooth decays, also known as cavities, occur when bacteria from food debris begin producing acid that eats away the enamel. It starts as minor decay but progresses into deep decay if left untreated. It usually is accompanied by extreme pain, tooth sensitivity, infections, and tooth loss. In the beginning, cavities may go unnoticed but will dig deeper into the inner layers of the tooth structure that houses the pulp and nerve. Damaging the pulp and exposing the nerve explains the sensitivity and pain felt. A root canal should clean up the bacteria and all content of the tooth that may have been exposed to bacteria and seal it to prevent infections.

You have a chipped or cracked tooth

Teeth crack or chip from applying a lot of force on them. It could be from a fall, eating hard foods, or when previous oral procedures go sideways. Once a tooth cracks or chips off, it may expose the pulp and nerves that sit underneath the enamel. This progress of events may welcome infections that enter the bloodstream and cause diseases and pain. A root canal contains the damage and prevents further damage.

You grind teeth

Grinding teeth usually occurs involuntarily but may cause teeth to crack. With an opening on the enamel, it may create pathways for bacteria to spread to the roots infecting the pulp and soft structures inside the tooth. In some cases, continuous grinding causes wear and tear to the enamel, which may expose the inner layer eventually. Root canal treatments should salvage what’s left after damage.

You have an old filling

An old filling may wear over time from external forces. It becomes another entry point for bacteria that may spell future problems. You may need to check in at the dentist’s office for repeat root canal procedures to take out new decay and fill it again.

Your tooth is sensitive to heat and cold

Are you feeling a dull ache that progresses into an intense, sharp pain after sipping some hot tea or perhaps that cold soda? Tooth sensitivity should be a certified reason to get a root canal treatment. Normally, tooth sensitivity occurs due to exposed nerve endings and blood vessels from tooth damage that goes unnoticed. Fixing the entry points through the procedure should reduce sensitivity.

You have a dark discoloration in the tooth

When the structures inside the tooth begin rotting, they change the color of the tooth. Not only does it stain the tooth, but it also causes discomfort. There could be pain from dying blood vessels and bad breath. A root canal procedure retrieves all rotten material and damaged root, leaving the tooth stainless and painless.

Your gums are swollen

Although swollen gums don’t always signal the need for root canal treatments, some will show characteristics that can only be solved through root canals. The swelling on the gum could be localized and seated just beneath the tooth’s root. It manifests itself in the form of a pus-like boil that may appear and go as weeks or days pass. Your dentist will examine the swelling on your gums and determine if the right procedure to undertake would be the root canal.

You need large fillings

Fillings are supposed to treat minor cavity damages and chips. However, in some cases, large fillings are required when the amount of decay is extensive. These procedures grow from the need of a simple filling to an internal tooth’s structure removal and a larger filling. Dentists consider a filling when it is not greater than a third of tooth’s width. Once the filling needs cover beyond that, it means the decay is extensive, hence the need to get a root canal treatment altogether.

You want to save your natural tooth

Untreated cavities progress to tooth loss eventually. If you have a severely damaged tooth, you still have the chance to salvage it before it weakens ultimately. Root canal treatments can save the tooth you don’t want to lose. The tooth will not regain full functionality, but it stays in place and prevents further damages such as spreading the infection to adjacent teeth and further tooth loss. The treatment also ensures that you can keep the tooth for a long time.

The tooth problems won’t go away

Whether it is chipped, cracked, or decaying tooth, you don’t expect the problem to go away on its own. There is no way an infected tooth pulp will get better. This reason alone makes going to the dentist’s office for a root canal paramount. The treatment ideally ensures that you correct the damage and prevent damage from occurring in the future.

Are you experiencing any of these above mentioned and discussed occurrences? Contact us at Newnham Family Dental and schedule an appointment to help you determine if the root canal procedure is the right treatment for you. Talk to us.