Tips for Anxiety Relief

We all know how it feels to experience the stressful situation in the form of anxiety: muscular tension, restlessness and problems in concentration. We’ve all been there during an exam, public presentation, doctor’s appointment, etc. But when it comes to experiencing a prolonged anxiety state the person experiencing it, may be confused and not sure of what is happening to them. This state of confusion may lead to worsening symptoms like frequent panic attacks and changes in behavior.

Recent anxiety attacks may have a devastating effect on a person’s life. Causing irrational fears and a constant unpleasant feeling, anxiety may lead to unwilling changes in everyday life forcing the person to withdraw from the social events, public places and all the regular habits of everyday living.

There are many ways to take control of anxiety. The methods listed below will help you deal with an anxious situation. Moreover, there are those who may help you eliminate your anxiety disorder if practiced regularly for a longer period of time.

Anxiety Relief

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The “diving” Method

Anxiety disorder comes along with hypersensitivity that worsens every uncomfortable public situation. Anxiety is most commonly triggered when visiting big malls, crowded places, clubs and bars with loud music and so on. When this is often the case, people with this kind of problems decide to avoid visiting these places.

We recommend not avoiding these pleasures and instead when experiencing the anxiety attack try to concentrate and perform the “diving” method.

You are starting to feel the tremor and dizziness and instantly building the fear of the panic attack. The loud crowd is not helping, the lights are irritating and this is when your brain is confusing the irrational fear with the real life-threatening fear.

Step aside and take 2-3 deep breaths. Think of nothing but the breathing. After you took the last breath to release all the air from your lungs and stomach and take a deep abdominal breath. You should feel like the air is going directly to the stomach and not to the lugs. Put your hand on the stomach to be sure you are breathing right. Breathe in as much air as it feels comfortable to you and holds it. Try to hold the breath for 20 to 30 seconds. As you hold the breath think of nothing but the counting. Exhale deeply.

This so-called diving method helps the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system get there balance back. Moreover, in a state of anxiety your nervous system is out of balance and that is what confuses your brain in thinking you are in a threatful situation.

Relaxations with deep Breathing

Relaxation practiced with deep breathing, yoga or meditation is proven to be a very effective stress relief method. If you are unfamiliar with any of these methods the easiest way to begin is to start practicing deep breathing.

Find a quiet and dark room; at the beginning, it may be more convenient to practice this at night, right before you fell asleep. Lie on the back in the position that is comfortable for you and relax your body. Focus your attention on breathing. You can place one hand on your belly to be sure the air is going deep in your stomach moving the diaphragm and not in your lungs. It may be hard at the beginning, however, concentrate on nothing else but how does the air flow through your body. Breathe in through your nose, feel the air raising up your belly, hold it there for several seconds and then slowly release the air. Try to feel your presence here and now and think of nothing but the pattern of breathing.

This and other relaxation methods may have a positive impact on the nervous system. In the long term, practicing deep breathing once or twice a day will help your nervous system get back in a perfectly good balance which will reduce the anxiety.

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Surround Yourself with Love and Positive People

Social support is very important and it can be very helpful when a person is feeling vulnerable and a bit out of control. Surrounding yourself with positive people, friends and family members that are accepting and make you feel as you belong, will help you boost your confidence and self-appreciation.

Your mental health should come first, and even though there are situations in life when you need to face “toxic” people, try to avoid contact with those who are making you feel bad and trigger your anxiety. Don’t compromise you’re well being and set good boundaries for your personal space.

It is a fact that stress has a negative impact on your health and on the other hand, it’s a fact that love has a positive impact on your health. Happy thoughts materialize as a healthy body and a lot of studies have shown that the hold and nearness of your beloved partner can help you heal and reduce anxiety. Cuddling, kissing, laughing, spending more time with your loved one will make drastic improvement on your condition.

Furthermore, these studies inspired the production of the gravity blanket that is heavier than the usual blanket and stimulates the “hugging” sensation. The deep touch pressure technology gives good support and may help to achieve mental health balance and well-being.