Why varicose veins appear and how we can treat them

Having varicose veins or spider veins does not only affect your appearance, but they can also cause serious discomfort. Studies have shown that some types of varicose veins can cause complications such as open sores on your legs and blood clots. For some people, varicose veins may be harmless. For others, they can cause swelling and aching. If your varicose veins are causing great discomfort, you don’t need to worry. There are a host minimally invasive treatment options available for getting rid of these complications.

What causes visible veins on the legs and feet?

Varicose veins occur when the veins in the legs and feet are damaged. Veins usually carry blood under low pressure. They have valves that allow blood to flow in one direction- towards the heart. With time, these valves may weaken causing blood to flow backward and accumulate in the vessels. The continued pooling of blood in the veins exerts pressure on the walls of the vein causing them to weaken and bulge with time. Varicose veins may appear as flesh-colored, blue, or red. Spider veins on the other hand often look like webs.

Many people develop varicose veins due to inactivity. You are at risk of developing varicose veins if you stand or sit for long periods. Research also shows that varicose veins may be inherited. If your parents or blood relatives have varicose veins, you are at risk of developing them. Also, varicose veins become more common during pregnancy and with age. Spider veins, on the other hand, can result from an injury, hormonal changes and exposure to sunlight.

How a vein doctor can treat leg veins

According to Mohammed Islam, a vein doctor at Metro Vein Centers, treatment options for leg veins include self-care and non-invasive treatments.


Doctor Mohammed Islam from Metro Vein Centers recommends the following tips to improve your blood circulation.

Incorporating some lifestyle changes in your daily life can make a difference. One simple way to ensure a healthy flow of blood in the body is by shedding excess weight. A combination of simple routine workout and diet can help you to achieve overall physical fitness. Also, elevating your legs can help to improve blood flow in the legs. If you sit or stand for long periods, take a break and walk every 30 minutes.

Wearing ill-fitting, tight-fitting shoes and clothes can increase the chances of developing varicose veins and spider veins. Always make sure to put on comfortable clothes and shoes. If you experience swelling on the legs, you may consider trying compression stockings. They exert a steady pressure on the legs thus promoting blood flow to the heart.

Non-invasive treatments

Recent developments in technology have revolutionized the treatment of vascular conditions to make it safer for patients and provide better results. Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA), Endovenous Laser Ablation, and sclerotherapy are some of the non-invasive treatment options used by vein doctors at Metro Vein Centers to treat varicose veins and spider veins.

How long does it take to recuperate from varicose veins treatment?

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) utilizes radio waves to treat both the symptoms and the root cause of varicose veins. It is a one-hour procedure, and recovery time is within a few hours. Endovenous Laser Ablation is performed under the guidance of an ultrasound. It is also a one-hour procedure, and patients can resume normal activity within 24 hours without complications. Sclerotherapy is considered the best treatment option for smaller varicose veins and spider veins. The procedure takes less than an hour, and the recovery time is almost immediate. The best thing is that these procedures are covered by insurance.

About Metro Vein Centers and Dr. Mohammed Islam

Metro Vein Centers employs more than qualified board-certified specialists who provide the most effective varicose veins treatment options to their patients. They have offices in New Jersey, Michigan, Texas, and New York.

Dr. Mohammed Islam is a board-certified Vascular Surgeon who has been in practice for 25 years. He specializes in Venous, Endovascular, vascular, Endovenous, and General Surgery. He’s located at White Plains, New York.