Most of the ladies will describe bloating flippantly as a feeling of distention across the abdomen region or somewhat tightness feeling. Further, some experience pain or the inner quest to pass wind in order to get comfortable.
There is an array of factors that lead to the bloating. These include foods such as beans, cabbage or fizzy drinks. The body’s intolerance to gluten may also make you bloated. There are certain allopathic medicines with bloating as a side effect, aspirin one to mention.
While we tend to ignore the bloating symptoms, if this is persistent with no obvious reason, then this may be a sign of ovarian cancer.
What To Do If I’m Struggling With Bloating?

If you are experiencing symptoms of bloating, then the first thing you need to do is not to get panicky as that isn’t often linked to any serious medical condition. However, having said that, you must the following questions regarding the symptoms you are experiencing: –
Is Bloating For Normal For You?
If you are dealing with bloating regularly, then there is nothing to panic about, as it is normal. Monitor your bloating for the last six months, and if it has increased unexplained, then fix an appointment with a gynecologist to discuss the condition.
What Remedies You Are Taking To Treat Bloating?
The next thing you got to consider is what medication or remedy you take to ease off the bloating. The over-the-counter allopathic medicines, herb teas, and other remedies are helpful to get relief from bloating, but if the problem is persistent, then you must consult a general physician.
Also, you must diagnose ovarian cancer as long-term bloating is one of the primary symptoms associated with the tumor in one or both the ovaries.
Is There Any Explanation For Bloating?
You need to find an explanation for bloating. Does any food that makes you feel bloated? Is it gluten or any fruit? Look for the side effects of the medicines, if the bloating has got worse since you are taking a particular medicine, then talk to you general physical right away.
If there isn’t any obvious explanation of the bloating, and with time, it is not only getting severe or in a way you cannot manage the symptoms, then seek medical consultation.
Discomfort from bloating or fullness after meals is a common sign of ovarian cancer.
Bloating Isn’t Any Other Random Symptom
Most women diagnosed with ovarian cancer said that they have been earlier dealing with the bloating problem and has got worse to an extinct that just can’t overlook it. In the advanced stage of ovarian cancer, the size of the bloated abdomen is like a football and can be easily mistaken for a baby bump.
The visible bump of bloating is because of ascites, this is the presence of excessive fluids in the cavity of the abdomen. The ascites are prevalent components of the ovarian tumor in the advanced stage. In a scenario of serious bloating when it is visible, don’t wait or hesitate, speak to your general physician for further investigation.
As per the recent data put forth by the American Cancer Society for the year 2020 read, about 21,750 women will receive a new diagnosis of the ovarian tumour, and 13,940 will die from this cancer type.
Amidst the growing fear, it is imperative to know that the use of basic baby products such as baby powder has resulted in filing of numerous talcum powder lawsuits in the recent time.
While many victims seek legal consultation for the talcum powder cancer, it is important to gather more information about more potential causes in the best interest of the women’s health