CBD for Elderly; How can the Elderly be benefited from CBD Capsules?

Ever since CBD became legal, it has become the talk of the town. Thanks to its unusual medical properties, people have found natural and manageable cures for their health conditions that seemed impossible to bear. For the elderly, this is especially helpful. Since they are mostly at a stage in their lives where they cannot afford a lot of options for curing their conditions, both physically and financially, something that they can consume easily, while it remains light on the budget as well is a miracle for them.

That’s why more and more doctors have started recommending CBD to their patients, especially the older ones. It is safe to use and comes in a lot of forms. For adults, it comes in the shape of vape, gummy bears  and for older people, CBD capsules are available.

Though this information might answer some of your questions, there are a lot of others that might still be lingering on your mind. ‘What are the best CBD capsules for pain?’, ‘How does CBD capsules effect’? And ‘how does it react with the human body system?’ To get answers to these questions, you will have to continue reading.

What is the endocannabinoid system?

endocannabinoid system

To understand how CBD impacts our body, we need to understand what the endocannabinoid system is first. The human body is a very complicated thing. Scientists think that they have understood every part of the human body and what is inside, but certain things remain a mystery. For example, not a lot of people know that there is a system in our bodies that includes receptors whose sole purpose is to interact only with CBD?

Endocannabinoid system for dummies

It is known as the endocannabinoid system or in short form, ECS. ECS is not just one single system, but instead, it refers to a collection of cell receptors and corresponding molecules. Though there are a few cell receptors, the major ones are called Cannabinoid Receptor 1, CB1 and Cannabinoid Receptor 2, CB2. CB1 receptors are found in the brain and the central nervous system while CB2 throughout the peripheral organs in the body.

How CBD capsules effects with CB1 and CB2?

Both CB1 and CB2 have specific tasks to perform in the body. CB1 is responsible for maintaining the core function of the body, such as motor activity, pain perception, memory, and stress response while CB2 manages the components in the immune system, muscular system, and cardiovascular system. Simply put, according to researches, when a person consumes CBD, it improves the capabilities of these receptors. CBD assists both these receptors to perform their functions better.

Moreover, if the body is suffering from ECS deficiency, CBD can help with that as well. It also helps to restore homeostasis in the body. Keep in mind that homeostasis is responsible for keeping everything in your body at a healthy zone — things like your body temperature, salt concentration, etc.

Health benefits of CBD for Elderly:cbd for seniors

As we have already established that since CBD comes in the form of capsules now, it should be a part of every senior citizen’s health routine. Following are some of the health benefits of CBD for elderly;

Managing pain: pain and inflammation are two things that almost every senior has to deal with. But with the help of CBD, they can be controlled. Studies have shown that CBD can reduce inflammation and relieve people from painful conditions like arthritis joint pain and multiple sclerosis. [1][2][3]

Bone health: another common condition that every senior person has to go through is osteoporosis. As we age, our bones suffer a loss of vital minerals. In turn, our bones become more fragile and brittle. Because of this, senior people can experience a lot of pain even from the slightest injury. According to research,(No-Follow) CBD can strengthen the bones and not only that, if someone suffers a fracture, it can also promote the healing process.

Treating insomnia: Though a lot of people, regardless of their age, experience insomnia, one particular age group that it affects the most has to be older people. Anxiety and stress are the two primary reasons why people aren’t able to sleep better. Since CBD can cure these problems, it will in return, solve the insomnia problem. (No-Follow)

Combating addiction: What is the first thing people look for when experiencing medical conditions? Prescriptions. Though this may relieve people, it is only temporarily. Often dosage is increased with time, and it can lead to depending too much on the medicine. According to studies, CBD not only relieves people from problems that can arise due to harmful medication, but it can also combat the dependency people develop because of that medicine. [1][2]

Increases appetite: a lot of older people become weak because they are not eating correctly. And when you ask them why they aren’t eating, they say that they aren’t feeling hungry. This loss of appetite can cause weight loss, tissue weakness, and mental issues. CBD has been proven to be a good stimulant for appetite, and this helps seniors a lot.

Best CBD capsules for pain:

At this point, I think you probably know everything there is to know about CBD and how it helps senior people fight a lot of problems. Since pain is one of the significant issues that older people face, we have listed the five best CBD capsules for pain

Green Roads: this bottle contains 30 capsules, and each capsule has 25 mg of CBD.

Pure Kana: each bottle contains 30 capsules, and each capsule has 25 mg of CBD and less than 0.05% content of THC.

CBD Essence: this bottle comes in three sizes: 10 capsules, 30 capsules, and 60 capsules. Each capsule contains 35 mg of CBD.

Elixinol: it comes in two sizes: 30 capsules and 60 capsules. It contains 15 mg of CBD per capsule.

CW Hemp: this bottle also comes in two sizes: 30 capsules and 60 capsules. It also contains 15 mg of CBD.

Before wrapping up:

Senior citizens are at a place where they cannot afford to make a mistake. Precisely why they need to be careful about the medications they take for treating different conditions. While these medications may offer a temporary solution, CBD is a solution that has a permanent impact. And since it comes in the form of capsules, which are very easy for senior citizens to consume, it should be their top priority. Always remember that if you are someone who is just starting, go easy with the dosage. With time and as your doctor suggests, you can increase it.