How to Help Your Teen Recover From Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The wisdom teeth are the four permanent upper and lower third molars found at the back part of the mouth. These teeth start to form at the age of ten and erupt or appear between the ages of 15 and 25.

Since the third molars can become fully formed during adolescence, there is a high chance that one will start encountering dental problems with this set of teeth appearing at this stage.

When one’s wisdom teeth start causing dental issues, the dentist will recommend having these extracted. And this will likely be the first surgery one will undergo in their lifetime

Dentists suggest wisdom tooth removal in Dubai for teenagers if the molars become impacted.  This is a dental condition wherein a tooth does not erupt or appear fully because there isn’t enough room in the mouth.

An impacted wisdom tooth can also mean that it is erupting or coming out in the wrong position or direction.

If there is a lack of room in your mouth, the impacted wisdom will cause pain as it erupts since it will push against the neighboring teeth. Additionally, its incorrect development can lead to other dental problems, including infection, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Once your children turn 15, it is highly recommended that they see a dentist twice a year to have their wisdom teeth evaluated. This is because the usual signs of impaction and any other issues with the third molars typically appear between the ages of 15 and 19.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Aftercare for Teenagers

If your teen has been recommended to have an impacted third molar to be removed, you need to help your child mentally prepare for the tooth removal. Since wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure, it is normal for your teenager to feel nervous about the whole thing. Your teen will be particularly worried about the pain and inconvenience he will feel after the surgery.

You can help ease your child’s fears and worries by preparing well for his or her post-surgery care.

Below are some tips you should follow to help your teen recover faster after he or she undergoes wisdom tooth extraction:

  1. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest post-surgery

After the extraction, your teen needs to get plenty of rest to recuperate. As such, you and your child should choose a schedule for the procedure that will allow him or her to take it easy and avoid strenuous activities for the next several days.

If your teen undergoes the surgery during the school term, schedule it on a Friday or weekend to ensure he or she stays in the house and rests after the procedure. It is also best to have him or her take the first weekdays off. As such, find out if he or she can do his or her schoolwork at home to make up for the classes he or she will miss.

In case your child will have the procedure over the summer or holiday, make sure he or she does not play any sport or engages in any stressful activity after the surgery, no matter how much he or she wants to join a competition or hang out with friends.

2. Stock up on ice and ice packs

Your child will feel some discomfort after the surgery. Aside from giving him or her the prescribed analgesics, you can help alleviate the pain by having some ice packs on hand and plenty of ice in the fridge.

Have your teen apply an ice pack on the affected area to soothe the post-op pain. This will also help reduce any swelling that your child may experience.

An alternative to ice packs that will help relieve the post-surgery pain is dental cool gel packs. These are specially designed to be wrapped around the head and soothe the affected area. You can ask your dentist if they have this available at the clinic.

3. Fill your fridge and pantry with plenty of soft food

The dentist will prescribe a soft food diet for your teen after the surgery. Make sure you have plenty of foodstuffs and ingredients for dishes that your child can eat without chewing.

Stock up on yogurt, ice cream, pudding cups, and Jell-O. Make sure you have plenty of soft fruits and vegetables, which you can mash and turn into mushy food, such as potatoes, bananas, and avocados.

Although soup and stocks are soft foods, avoid feeding your child these dishes since hot fare can irritate the surgical area and may cause it to bleed.

4. Remind your child to keep his or her head elevated

Make sure your teen rests his or her head on propped up pillows for the next several days post-surgery, especially when he or she is asleep. The best dentist in Dubai says that this helps minimize bleeding.  

Whether your child is lying down on the sofa or bed as he or she is watching TV or reading, ensure he or she is resting on a pillow or two, as well, so that he or she keeps his or her head elevated.

However, make sure that the pillow height is something that your teen is comfortable with. If he or she can’t sleep if the padding is too high, remove some of the cushions.

5. Prepare saltwater rinses

Rinsing the mouth with a warm saltwater solution helps reduce swelling and pain. Because of this, make sure your child does this several times a day, particularly after eating or drinking

Additionally, this simple action helps remove food particles from the socket, thereby keeping it clean. A warm salt rinse also helps prevent any infections from developing.

However, make sure your child avoids gargling or spitting too forcefully since this can impact the surgical area.

When your child is about to get his or her wisdom tooth removed, you have to remember that preparing him or her for the whole procedure will help ease his or her anxiety before and during the surgery.

Start by explaining what will happen during the surgery and providing tips on how to get ready for it.

Getting your teen ready for the surgery also entails providing details about what he should expect after the procedure.

To be sure your child is fully informed, have your dentist to talk to him before the surgery. Additionally, encourage your youngster to ask any question he has during the consultation stage.

Being prepared for the post-surgery part will also help ease the fears of your teen. When you have everything your child needs to manage the discomfort and inconvenience that comes after the procedure at home, he will have fewer things to worry about. It will help speed up his recovery, as well.


Dr. Zul Paliwalla is the General and Cosmetic British Dentist at NOA Dental Clinic, specializing in smile-related concerns. With over 33 years of experience in the UK, Dr. Zul has successfully worked on and improved many internationally recognized smiles. He is a certified Invisalign® GOLD provider as well and has brought his elite expertise to Dubai not only to enjoy the sun, sea, and sand but also to offer his brand of personalized smile makeovers.