Is Addiction to Valium a Serious Issue

Valium is one of the world’s best drugs. However, when it is used for six months or more, it can turn out to be one of the single most addictive drugs on this planet. Studies show that as many as 50% of all patients that have been using Valium for at least six months show a physical addiction. Like so many other drugs, Valium can be an incredibly effective way to deal with anxiety and even insomnia, but all patients that have been prescribed it need to be watched with great care for signs of possible addiction and substance abuse over time. Valium is often considered a secondary drug that is used in combination with other illegal drugs to help enhance the high provided by the primary drug.

When people think of drugs that can significantly impact their lives for the worse, Valium is never mentioned. Most people believe that Valium addiction only happens when used in conjunction with other, often illegal, drugs, but there have been thousands of reported cases of solo Valium addiction. Valium is a Schedule IV drug, which makes it a controlled substance. Although the government ranks Valium as a drug most people are unlikely to develop an addiction to, which is contrary to an overwhelming amount of current data. Like with most addictions, the impact on a person’s life can be drastic. A person will likely begin visiting multiple doctors in hopes of obtaining multiple prescriptions, which is an illegal act. Valium is often available on the street for a significantly higher price than you would get it at a pharmacy, and as with most street drugs, the quality and purity is never certain. Overall, Valium addiction can impact your life to the point of destroying it.

Other than the tell-tale signs that a person is addicted to something, such as a complete change in behavior, a drastic change in priorities and a sudden decrease in cash reserves can be noticed. What makes Valium addiction so difficult to diagnose is that many of the withdrawal symptoms are simply exaggerated versions of the conditions the drug was originally prescribed for. It is up to a highly trained addiction specialist to determine if the symptoms are simply a return of the original issues the patient had or if they are a sign of more serious problems. A patient will also suffer from things like depression, sweating, and other conditions.

The law tends to not look fondly upon crimes committed by drug addicts seeking their next fix, but there does seem to be a double standard in place for people with prescription drug addictions compared to those with street drug addictions. It is still very possible for a person to throw their life away with Valium addiction, but if it is caught early and treated professionally, there is no reason to think that a person can’t go on to live a full and happy life. It all really depends on the span of time between the initial addiction and the time recovery begins.