Why is home health care important?

Every elderly person who has lived to old age gradually loses the ability to fully care for himself. Many seniors often also lose the ability to move normally, and, in the presence of concomitant chronic or acute diseases, the patient’s situation is further aggravated by pain and other suffering.

In addition, even healthy people after elective or urgent surgery, injury, or other temporary disorders often require care. In all such situations, customers turn to a palliative or rehabilitation care center at home, as it is effective, unloads the patient’s relatives, and costs less than being in a hospital.

Our multifunctional All American Home Care Agency Philadelphia provides a full range of services to people in need to maintain their normal life during the stages of recovery of the body or provides comfort during hospice services.

Why is it important to provide home care for the sick?

Providing sick and elderly patients with qualified and effective medical or social care at home is essential to achieve the following result:

·         The patient does not experience stress from being in a strange place, which is especially true for old people.

·         The patient’s menu includes only dishes familiar to his body, which are prepared in his own kitchen. Relatives can buy products themselves, the quality of which has been tested and is suitable for the patient, which reduces the risk of intoxication in the body of a weak person.

·         The nurse provides a walk for the patient in his own garden.

·         The patient washes in his bathroom using only the usual sanitary and hygienic devices.

·         The patient’s relatives can live with their parents or grandparent under the same roof, also providing support.

·         Customers can be fully confident in the exact compliance of the prescribed medical treatment.

·         Being a patient in their own home eliminates the need to rent a bed in a hospital, which allows you to save up to 30% – 40% of the funds allocated for treatment.

Our company provides each patient with an individual approach and guarantees not only physical but also psychological assistance, which will lead to a speedy recovery or calm a person in the final cycle of life.

Disadvantages of Inpatient and Hospice Care

Some customer relatives of patients also choose to refer their loved ones to nursing homes and other institutions for inpatient care. People explain this by the presence in the immediate vicinity of specialized equipment, medicines, as well as a staff of qualified doctors. However, this is not always effective for the following reasons:

·         The customer has to overpay for the rent of space in the hospital

·         The patient may be in the hospital or in the hospice with other hopeless patients, which will significantly affect his psychological attitude towards recovery.

·         As a rule, in hospices for several patients, there is only one nurse and the attending physician, which makes it impossible for the staff to provide full assistance to each of them. This problem is especially aggravated, provided that the lord, or a person with a serious illness, cannot serve himself.

·         Many elderly people become very accustomed to their home environment, and, in a hospital environment, most things are unfamiliar to them, they are poorly oriented in space and often become depressed.

·         In the case of palliative care for a patient, without the need for intensive care, intravenous nutrition, and other special procedures, the patient only needs household care, which can be fully provided at home.

When a customer contacts our company, we provide all the necessary conditions for each patient, provide the required diagnostic or medical equipment, and also issue technical specifications to the patients’ relatives for equipping a bed directly in the patient’s bedroom.

List of care services for seniors and seriously ill people at home

The range of services provided by a company that provides care for temporarily or permanently incompetent patients at home, depending on the indications of the attending physician, includes the following mandatory and additional services:

·         Providing household care for the patient, washing, changing clothes, assistance in using the toilet.

·         Preparation of food for the patient, according to the diet, as prescribed by a nutritionist or doctor.

·         Transportation of the patient in a wheelchair, for a walk or around the house, if he is unable to move independently.

·         Assistance in drug treatment of the patient, injections, if necessary, the introduction of drugs intravenously or intramuscularly, the provision of painkillers, including strong psychoactive substances.

·         Carrying out diagnostics of the patient’s condition, fixing changes in well-being.

·         Providing resuscitation, transportation to the hospital.

·         Psychological assistance to the elderly or patients in the terminal stage of cancer, so that their life is as comfortable as possible.

Our company provides an individual approach to each patient, and the treatment and care schedule is assigned only after a complete diagnosis of the human body, which eliminates the need to overpay for unnecessary services.

What determines the cost of services

Almost all types of palliative care are paid services, which are not always covered by the insurance policy issued to the patient. The cost of caring for a sick person or senior, as well as medical care, depends on the following parameters:

·         The general condition of the patient. This parameter determines the course of treatment, the intensity of therapeutic intervention, as well as the amount of medication that a person should take daily.

·         The age of the person to be cared for. As a rule, over the years, the patient has had irreversible changes, which adds to the responsibility of the hospice staff.

·         The presence of chronic or acute diseases in the patient. As you know, diabetes, dementia, fat embolism, a previous heart attack, stroke, or partial paralysis greatly aggravate the overall clinical picture and such patients require constant monitoring in order to avoid an accident.

·         The patient has an age-related injury – a fracture of the hip joint or femoral neck, or a serious surgical intervention at the stage of gangrene, oncological pathologies.

·         The ability of the patient to move independently and serve their household needs.

·         Having memory problems. mental disorders, a case of cerebrovascular accident, which requires round-the-clock supervision of a person.

·         The weight of the patient determines the need to attract nurses.

·         The need to perform intensive care, complex drug treatment, injections, as well as the provision of intravenous nutrition.

·         The need to provide the patient with painkillers with a narcotic effect.

·         The need for treatment of wounds, postoperative sutures, bedsores.

·         The social status of the patient and the availability of extended insurance covering rehabilitation or palliative care.

When contacting our company, All American Home Care, we provide our patients with a detailed estimate based on our base rates, including adjustment factors. We guarantee only the best service, the most complete and effective medical care, at reasonable prices.

How to choose a reliable agency?

Choosing an agency to care for the elderly or terminally ill people at home is not an easy task, which requires taking into account many of the most important nuances and contacting only reputable companies, such as:

·         Each legally operating agency in the market must have certificates and official licenses allowing them to engage in such activities.

·         The organization must officially employ general practitioners, qualified surgeons, as well as nurses, and other support staff with university degrees or college certificates.

·         The presence in the list of company services of round-the-clock support of operators or nurses excludes a sharp deterioration in the patient’s health without the impossibility of providing assistance and resuscitation.

·         All reputable agencies, such as All American Home Care, have a large number of reviews and recommendations from both the patients themselves who have recovered after rehabilitation and from relatives of sick people who were in hospice.

·         Most well-known agencies offer pre-home care diagnostic services, which allow for accurate diagnosis, prescribing the right medications, and significantly extending the life of a person in a hospice.

·         All well-known home care companies cooperate with many insurers, allowing patients and their relatives to arrange profitable programs that cover at least part of the upcoming costs of caring for their parents, and grandparents.

Our All American Home Care has long earned a reputation as a market leader in palliative care for all categories of patients. We provide both a complex of rehabilitation measures and a hospice at home, regardless of the condition and age of the patient. Our satisfied customers, as well as patients’ relatives, leave only positive feedback about us on independent forums on the net.

All our doctors and nurses have diplomas, letters of recommendation, as well as certificates of completion of advanced training courses. Profile specialists have a long experience in caring for the elderly and sick incapacitated people at home, providing maximum comfort to each patient.