Do Transplanted Hair, Last Long?

Loss of hair is a typical occurrence in both men and women, that is why there are a number of people who are considering undergoing Irvine Hair Transplant. It might be heredity, health problems, stress, or alopecia. Numerous causes can contribute to early hair loss, hair thinning, or a bald spot. While over-the-counter medicines and skincare products are available, the majority of patients choose permanent hair transplants.

Thus, the most apparent inquiry is, “How long does transplanted hair last?” Before delving into a lengthy response to this issue, let us first educate ourselves on hair transplants so that we can make informed decisions about undergoing one.

The Different Irvine Hair Transplant Procedures

Since 1950, hair transplantation has been a common medical treatment. The popularity has soared much further in recent decades. Hair follicles are extracted from the donor site singly (FUE) or just as a sheet of skin from a region of the head with robust hair growth (FUT). Following that, these follicles are implanted into bald spots on the scalp. As the scalp wounds heal, the follicles begin to stimulate the creation of new hair.

  • The FUE Procedure or Follicular Unit Extraction

Using just a microneedle, the surgeon extracts single hair follicles from the donor region in this type of hair transplant. Because this procedure does not need a skin transplant, no sutures are necessary. The surgeon creates minute incisions to retrieve the follicular units and these incisions are going to heal eventually and shall be hidden by existing hair. Individual follicular components are then implanted into bald regions through the incisions that are made on the scalp. The FUE procedure is more frequent than FUT for the reason that this procedure results in less scarring as compared to FUT.

  • The Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT

As contrasted to the FUE procedure wherein single hair follicles are being extracted, the FUT procedure is one that involves grafting out a strip of the scalp the specific area from the donor’s region. Usually, this strip of taken out of the back of the patient’s head and is then divided into up to 2,000 tiny follicular grafts, each of which contains either a single lock of hair or some few hairs. The surgeon next makes microscopic incisions in the recipient region to implant the follicular transplants.

How Long Do These Transplanted Hair Last?

If you are contemplating a hair transplant, it is indeed natural to question how long the procedure will last. When you want the hair transplant to be permanent, it is critical to have it performed by an experienced and reputable hair restoration professional.

Following the hair transplantation operation, you would notice the new shape of your enlarged hairline. Many patients, however, may notice that their freshly transplanted hair begins to come out between two to six weeks. This might be aggravating, but keep in mind that this is typical and you will begin to notice permanent hair growth in the next few months which usually around six months, then you will be able to see a noticeable difference in hair growth. After a year, the whole effects of the transplants will be apparent.

A hair transplant, in the majority of cases, will last a lifetime since healthy hair follicles are implanted into regions of thinning or balding hair. However, the longevity of a hair transplant can be influenced by factors such as the patient’s hair type, activity, age, and degree of hair loss.

Hair transplants performed today are lasting, safe, and natural-looking. Consult your doctor now, irrespective of your sexual identity, age, or level of hair loss, to explore your hair transplant alternatives. These operations, which have a high success rate, can restore your lost self-confidence!

Recovery Period After an Irvine Hair Transplant

Both of these hair transplant operations might take many hours or even days to perform, depending on the amount of hair to be transplanted and the size of the region to be covered. Typically, the surgical procedure to remove any bandage is done within one to two days after completing the procedure, and then after 7 to 10 days, the stitches are removed. The scalp may well be sore or swollen following the procedure, therefore the hair transplant surgeon may give pain medicine for several days. Additionally, the surgeon may recommend antibiotics to prevent infection and anti-inflammatory medications to alleviate the swelling.

Most patients who have undergone hair transplants are already able to get back to their daily activities in just 2 to 5 days after the surgery has taken place. But, the patient must be able to religiously follow these after-care instructions in order to see to it that the wounds from the incisions are going to heal properly and the procedure will yield satisfactory results:

  • The patient must refrain from shampooing the hair for several days following surgery.
  • In the first several weeks, use gentle shampoos.
  • Avoid intense activities or vigorous exercise 3 weeks following surgery.
  • Make follow-up appointments with your doctor to ensure that the incisions are recovering properly
  • With at least three weeks, refrain from brushing over the grafts.

In about 2 to 6 weeks, the hair transplant will begin to fall out and this is a usual occurrence because, after a few months, you will then start to notice the growth of new hair.

Expected Side Effects When Undergoing Hair Transplant

The hair transplant is indeed a relatively safe surgery when performed by a competent surgeon. However, you may encounter the following adverse effects:

• Scarring

• Scalp discomfort

• Scalp itching or swelling

• Scalp infections

• Bleeding

• Raised lumps form around the hair follicles

These adverse effects can be effectively managed with medicines given by your physician.

Is Hair Transplant A Viable Procedure?

Hair transplants have such a better success rate than other forms of hair restoration. Nevertheless, the transplanted hair can retreat with time, necessitating a further transplant. Additionally, hair transplantation is ineffective for individuals who have extensive balding or hair loss as a result of medication or chemotherapy.

What Is The Price Rangefor Undergoing Hair Transplant?

The cost of hair transplantation is determined by a variety of factors, including the size of the area to be addressed, the transplant technique used, the surgeon’s qualifications, and the location of the procedure. Having said that, hair transplantation costs between $4000 and $15,000.

There are a lot of Irvine Hair Transplant Centers that will provide you with the best services at the most reasonable price there is. Just set up an appointment with your trusted hair transplant centers so they can provide you with a more accurate assessment.