How to Get Rid of Blocked Nose in Bed, Every Possible Answer to Why is My Nose Always Stuffy

Stuffy nose is also called as “nasal congestion”. This occurs when the body has low oxygen levels. The oxygen levels in the cell are low and this is caused by the chronic over breathing, habitual mouth breathing and upper chest breathing. The superficial reasons for stuffy nose involve viral and bacterial infections and lower body oxygen levels at cellular level. This cellular level of low oxygen due to the viral and bacterial infections is a key element for the stuffy nose. If the infections result in nasal congestion, the people will notice that the mucus color is either yellow or green. This provides evidence that the dead bacteria or the dead virus are present in the mucosal discharge.

Stuffy nose is caused by some allergic reactions occurring in some airborne particles. Here, the hypersensitive state of the immune system has resulted from chronic over breathing. The dairy products might be also important reason for the production of clear mucus. These allergic responses are caused by lactose or casein. Acute sinus infections usually respond to the treatment by antibiotics while chronic sinusitis has to end up with surgery.

Symptoms of stuffy nose

  • The nasal congestion or stuffy nose is represented by the blocking of air flow into and away from the nose. The phrase “running nose” means the discharge that comes out of the nose.
  • The congestion in the nasal passage commonly results from the inflammation of the linings of nose and sinuses.
  • Very rarely the obstruction in the nasal passage can be anatomically appearing.
  • Nasal congestion will be worsened when the nasal sprays are used continuously for long time.
  • Tumors in the nasal passage or any type of medical conditions that are chronic might result in nasal congestion.

Why is my nose always stuffy?

  • Airborne infections caused by viruses
  • Infections are transmitted from hands to nose through contact
  • The virus absorbed in the nose will make the release of histamine done by the body. Histamine is known to enhance the flow of blood to the nose. This makes the nasal tissue to swell.
  • The swollen membranes in the nasal region consist of blood which releases excessive mucus that blocks the nasal passage.
  • The symptoms of cold are relieved by the use of decongestants and antihistamines.
  • The infection takes some time to bring relief.
  • The nose has weak resistance for the viral infections, which indicates that the nose infections and sinuses will result in cold.
  • The nasal mucus will get converted from white to green or yellow. This indicates that the bacterial infections have come into existence.
  • Sinus infections that are acute are known to give rise to thick discharge and nasal congestion.
  • The pain might occur in cheeks as well as in the upper teeth. The pain might also occur in between the eyes and behind the eyes, in the forehead and above the eyes. This pain occurs based on the involvement of sinuses.
  • The pain is not caused by the chronic sinus infections. This infection might lead to nasal or postnasal discharge and nasal blockage.
  • Development of polyps is seen in some people due to sinus infections. The spread of the infection can be done to the lower airways, which lead to the chronic cough, asthma or bronchitis.
  • Structural abnormalities are one of the reasons for the stuffy nose. This involves the formation of a layer of cartilage and bone, which separates the two sides of the nostrils and nose.
  • The structural variations are usually the result of an injury that might have occurred in the childhood. It is found that seven percent of the newborn infants experience the injury at the nasal region during the birth process.
  • The injuries in the nasal region are common and they can obstruct the nasal passage. The blockage can be corrected through surgery.
  • Increase in size of adenoids can be one reason for the nasal blockage in the children. The adenoids are the tissues that are similar to the tonsils, which are present at the back of the nose and palate. The children who have this problem will have problem in noisy breathing present at the night.
  • The children who breathe through the mouth might have deformities in their teeth and face. This problem can be solved by performing surgery to take away the adenoids or tonsils.
  • Other causes for the stuffy nose in the category of structural abnormalities include tumors in the nose and foreign substances.
  • Children usually have the habit of inserting any small objects into their mouth and nose. So, if there is any foul-smelling discharge is seen coming from the nose then the doctor has to be consulted to get relief.
  • The allergic substances like mold, pollen, house dust and animal dander cause the stuffy nose.
  • The seasonal causes might vary in these allergens as pollen mostly causes stuffy nose during summer, spring and fall. The house dust more often causes allergy in winter. The stuffy nose is usually caused by molds all through the year.
  • The inflammation in the nasal membranes is termed as rhinitis. The nerves that manage the blood vessels are referred by the term “vasomotor”.
  • The nasal membranes are supplied with blood vessels which are expanded by the constriction of the membranes. The constriction of nasal membranes is done by the hormones like adrenaline when the person performs exercise. When the air passage is free, the person can breathe properly.
  • The air passage will be blocked when the allergic attack happens or when the person is suffering from cold. During cold, blood vessels expand and membranes constrict while the nose is filled with mucus.
  • In some infections and allergies, vasomotor rhinitis might be caused due to the expansion of blood vessels. These factors constitute pregnancy, psychological stress, anti-high blood pressure drugs, insufficient functioning of thyroid, exposure to the tobacco smoke and perfumes and long term use of nasal sprays that prevent congestion.
  • If the patient lies down on one side then the downward side will get congested. If the stuffiness continues, then the blood vessels will not get constricted and the condition becomes worse.

How to get rid of blocked nose

There are many home remedies that are available for stuffy nose. These remedies have to be followed by blowing of the nose. It is not safe to sniff the nose inside often during the problem of cold and stuffy nose. The mucus can reach the lungs and cause infection, which might be serious. If the stuffy nose is followed by high fever, painful sinuses and cough, then it is better to consult the doctor as it might be serious condition. If the stuffy nose has just started and has not led to any serious complication then the following remedies are used for getting better relief from it.

  • The dietary recommendation for handling the stuffy nose is primarily to avoid eating the dairy products and wheat products. The diet has to be supplemented with zinc, vitamin C and several other nutrient substances.
  • The mucus generation can be avoided by sleeping or lying down with head in elevated position.
  • The body of the patient has to be properly hydrated and the patient has to carry handkerchief or some tissues to blow the nose hygienically. This helps in allowing the person to recover soon.
  • The intake of hot fluids can bring relief from stuffy nose. Various soups can be given like chicken soup, vegetable soup, lentil soup and tomato soup. The patient also can take herbal tea which is hot and also tea that is boiled with spices. The beverage can be simultaneously boiled along with the leaves of basil or honey or ginger or peppercorn.
  • Menthol has some healing effect and it can be used for rubbing under the nose. A saline spray can be suggested to function as nasal decongestant.
  • The stuffy nose can be treated using the steam. The steam can be made by boiling water and taking it in a big vessel. This can be added with the capsules of eucalyptus oil and the vapors of this oil along with steam have to be inhaled with a covering over the head. The covering will prevent the spread of these vapors to the environment. It will help the person to strongly inhale the vapors deeply to get relief from stuffy nose.
  • The stuffy nose is treated using a neti pot. The pot can be filled with warm water and can be poured into the nasal passage. This might loosen the mucus and aid in flow of mucus.
  • The presence of humidifier in the room might help the sinuses and nasal passage to get moistened and this might bring relief from congestion and discomfort.
  • The eyes can be moistened using saline drops or water, which is found to be decreasing the itching, pain and dryness.
  • The cough drops can help in bringing relief as they consist of herbal components. The use of cough drops will moisten the throat and reduces irritation due to the secretion of saliva.
  • Cough medicine can be tried to treat stuffy nose.
  • The person with stuffy nose has to take lot of rest and also has to take lot of fluids.
  • Another home remedy for the stuffy nose is to apply salt and black pepper to the cut lemon slice and slightly make it warm. This cut slice can be licked slowly so that the entire juice in the lemon is sucked in. This remedy can be tried for two to three times in a day.
  • Eating garlic cloves simply every day can also restrict the stuffy nose symptoms and decrease the flu and cold. Excess eating of these pods might cause heartburn. More than four cloves are not recommended per day.
  • The mustard oil can be poured into the nostril and can be allowed to pass into the nostril. It can be allowed to flow deep inside the nose and pass away from another nostril or sent out from the same nostril after making it to clean the whole passage of the nose. This will make the nasal passage to become clean. This gives some relief from stuffy nose.
  • Inhalation of the grape fruit juice flavors through the hot steam can bring relief from the stuffy nose.
  • The onions can be smashed and their smell can be inhaled through the nose, which will make the mucus to become loose and slide away from the nose. This can be later blown out.
  • Few drops of peppermint can be put inside the cotton cloth and then inhaled. This is found to be effective in treating the blocked nose in bed.
  • Taking warm water bath and wearing clean dress as well as cleaning the hands and feet very nicely and frequently can help in recovering from the infection very easily and quickly.
  • Horse radish root is also found to be effective against the sinus block. It is known to enhance the circulation to the nasal membranes and also enhances the mucus discharge. Eating the half tablespoon of grated horse radish root is very beneficial for the treatment of stuffy nose. There is also commercially present grated horse radish root, which can be taken in half table spoon. This cannot be taken in empty stomach as it will cause irritation of stomach.
  • Eating well-balanced diet is necessary for the improvement of immune system to fight against the infection and help in recovery from the condition.